How old is Michelle Lesniak Franklin? When is Michelle Lesniak Franklin's birthday? Where is Michelle Lesniak Franklin born? Where did Michelle Lesniak Franklin grow up from? What's Michelle Lesniak Franklin's age?
Michelle Lesniak Franklin Born: Portland, OR
How about Michelle Lesniak Franklin's nationality?
Michelle Lesniak Franklin Nationality: American
Where is Michelle Lesniak Franklin now?
After the judges determined that Lesniak had triumphed over her fellow \u201cAll Stars\u201d finalists, Irina Shabayeva, Dmitry Sholokhov, and Canadian \u201cProject Runway\u201d winner Evan Biddell, the Portland designer told Mizrahi she had written him a letter about 10 years ago, asking how she could make her home-made designs not look ...
What is Michelle from Project Runway doing now?
After the judges determined that Lesniak had triumphed over her fellow \u201cAll Stars\u201d finalists, Irina Shabayeva, Dmitry Sholokhov, and Canadian \u201cProject Runway\u201d winner Evan Biddell, the Portland designer told Mizrahi she had written him a letter about 10 years ago, asking how she could make her home-made designs not look ...
Is Michelle from Project Runway still married?
After the judges determined that Lesniak had triumphed over her fellow \u201cAll Stars\u201d finalists, Irina Shabayeva, Dmitry Sholokhov, and Canadian \u201cProject Runway\u201d winner Evan Biddell, the Portland designer told Mizrahi she had written him a letter about 10 years ago, asking how she could make her home-made designs not look ...
Did Michelle Lesniak win Project Runway All Stars?
After the judges determined that Lesniak had triumphed over her fellow \u201cAll Stars\u201d finalists, Irina Shabayeva, Dmitry Sholokhov, and Canadian \u201cProject Runway\u201d winner Evan Biddell, the Portland designer told Mizrahi she had written him a letter about 10 years ago, asking how she could make her home-made designs not look ...